Dear Indi-Developer, Hobby-Game-Creator, Indigame-Lover, Oldschool-"Zocker" and everybody I missed! ^^
About me
My Name is Stephan, living in Germany, 1978 born, some kids (1 own, 2 "additional"), working as Manager for social media ad campaigns for different customers/partners).
Working on my heart project, which I allready coded long time ago on PC with Turbo Pascal. The base is a top-down space shooter and luckily Game Maker Studio gives directly an asteroid tutorial, which is ideal start for what I have in mind.
One of the games I planned to have a feeling like Star Control space battles. It can have an asteroid game like game modus but the main target is an game mode with physics working and an ship without any weapons at all but a huge ground with enemies and the challenge to beat the enemies with different possibilities (like no guns!).
An story game mode and other additional modes like space parcel delivery or space race are optional, main target is the Tiny Spaces "Maximum Damage"-game mode! *demonic grin*
But there are other ideas working for years in my mind. Let´s see, what comes next! ^^