DevLog from Alpha 1.0 to

This are all release notes starting from the finished tutorialseries till my first release 1-5-5-4 here on!

ALPHA v1-1
-resolution to 1920x1080 u. cam-orders reintegrated with reason ;-)
-Ship tweaks trust, turn, max speed-limit, GUI trust, shipmovement backwards implemented (buggy)
-Draw-elements to cameraWidth for debug reasons in the middle

ALPHA v1-2
-"Esc"-key-release ends game
-speed zoom script: zooms depending on speed

ALPHA v1-3
-Roomswitch logic prepared: game over and following highscore 
-Tweakings in camera-zoom, max.astroid-counter, shake, player-ship-exhaust, debris-count, hunter-radius, etc.
-colored powerups
-Sounds fixed, own Laser-Sound, new sound for powerup
-flagship-type initiated (max. 1 Flagship with more then 22 astroids) with faster / better firepower
-continuous fire with bulletcounter control (15) 
-Debris1 reactivated and particle-Tweaks

ALPHA v1-4
-Roomswitch-Logic changed
-Highscore preparations

ALPHA v1-4-1 
-Highscore implemented - name input in game over for internal highscore table 
-Roomswitch logic changed

ALPHA v1-4-2
-Exhaust for flagship / hunter optimized

ALPHA v1-4-3
-Code-Readability ^^ ;-)
-Astroid-spawn-variations (size)
-astroid-splitting-script made smaller; random splitt from great to 2middle or 3small
-manually roomwrap for objects of all factions
-score_shake_astroid script made smaller
-Highscore-button bigger to fit "return"
-Playername-Globalvar clear
-Chaser-Ship implemented 

ALPHA v1-4-4
-other laser-sound (that needs an own subversion of course!)

ALPHA v1-4-5
-health-system for every ship and pod
-health-bar for every ship and parent-child-structure integrated
-minor fixes like brute-sprite_index responding to health-system
-Collision-hit-particle-system with red/yellow small sparks
-Shake if player-pod is hit
-Options: own icon, own install-graphics, settings of game like name, studio etc. set

ALPHA v1-5-1
-Menü-System 1-1 implemented with new room-switch logic

ALPHA v1-5-2
-game room bigger to 6144x4608 
-exhaust playership new Sprite / particle-update
-range for enemy ships changed
-destroy-Fire for all destroyed ships - explosionsprite / particle-update with 2 overlayered variables

ALPHA v1-5-3
-Collision with other ship makes damage and do not instantly destroy own ship
-Flagship new bullet-Type, more firepower
-Banshee new ship-type with new bullet type
-GUI HP display
-Camera/Display function opimized

ALPHA v1-5-4
-Hunter 2_bullets
-New enemy Spacestation2 / fixed coordinates / 2 following guns blue_bullet
-Bullet-Script extended with x/y and damage

ALPHA v1-5-4-1
-Damage system repaired
-Powerup System repaired
-Fixed cannons @ spacestation
-Fixed Laserdamage to huge enemys 

ALPHA v1-5-4-2
-Explosion depends on ship-maxHP
-Spaceship-Cannons 3 with lower fire rate

ALPHA v1-5-4-3
-Weapon-Switch-System Testing
.globalvar for type u. energy (bullets together)
.control change of gun-type
.bullets change of energyusage
.show type available ???

ALPHA v1-5-5
- weapon system final optimization and now works fine with GUI, switching etc. 

ALPHA v1-5-5-1
- PAUSE ingame with p
- Show selected weapon
- laser thicker

ALPHA v1-5-5-2
- Added Herobrin
- Removed Herobrin as he died in space without space suit

ALPHA v1-5-5-3
- About-Screen with 2 pages (multipage-script still not function)

ALPHA v1-5-5-4
- Minor fixes, cosmetical operations like bigger breasts etc.


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